Empower Physiotherapy

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What is Concierge PT?

A new type of home health PT is emerging and it is being referred to as concierge PT. Many of the same services are available including exercise prescription, manual therapy, and neuromuscular reeducation. The difference now is that this care may be provided using a cash based model and can be unique to a certain population.The majority of people who are familiar with physical therapy typically envision an outpatient orthopedic clinic, but in reality physical therapists can and do work in a variety of settings. Some examples include acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation, skilled nursing facilities, school systems, traveling with sports teams, and home health. The population who has heard of home health PT before might imagine the treatment of patients with recent joint replacements or folks with neurological/memory issues that impair their ability to leave their residence in order to obtain care. All of this is true, and usually involves the use of insurance for the clinician’s services to be provided.

A new type of home health PT is emerging and it is being referred to as concierge PT. Many of the same services are available including exercise prescription, manual therapy, and neuromuscular reeducation. The difference is that this care may be provided using a cash based model and can be unique to a certain population. Dr. Krystyna “TK” Mosher is the owner of TKO Physical Therapy in Boston, MA where she caters her concierge services to combat athletes and fighters. There is even a company named Concierge Physical Therapists that provides care all across the country for myriad diagnoses including pelvic floor dysfunction!

While prenatal and postpartum care is becoming more talked about and prioritized, many new mothers have difficulty finding childcare or coordinating their schedules for the trek out to a brick and mortar clinic. How much easier would it be for patients if the care was brought to their doorstep?

We have taken a page out of the manual followed by massage therapists, estheticians, event planners, and countless other industries that have emphasized the worth of the one thing many of us value above all else: our time. All of us lead full, busy lives and it can feel impossible to fit in all the things that we need or want to do. Combine this with the concern for one’s physical health and well being and it becomes crystal clear why concierge PT is becoming so popular.

The truth is that we are all merely trying to live our best lives and physical therapy can propel you towards your goals. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.